In a world characterised by constant progress and technological innovation, the leading minds will gather for a launch event: showcasing the future of innovation in AI, Data, and Robotics. On 22 February 2024, Adra-e, AIonDemand and the European Commission will come together to reveal the new projects funded under Horizon 2023 and 2022. The 54 funded projects will present themselves in a 2-minute pitch video presentation. Among them is the PERKS research project. In the PERKS video pitch, Irene Celino, Head of Cefriel’s Knowledge Technologies Group and coordinator of PERKS, presents the research project. To get a taste of what to expect, read the video transcript and experience PERKS in a nutshell:


The concept of the PERKS project comes from actual customer stories. Often companies face challenges in finding, understanding and applying the right steps to solve a problem in different business units, because they adopt a variety of approaches, information sources and tools. This is why PERKS ambition is the governance of procedural knowledge. 



Our objectives are standardizing the digital representation of procedures, investigating the best methods and technologies to elicit procedures from documents and people experience, designing solutions based on knowledge graphs to manage, preserve and give access to procedures, and providing tools and systems to allow people to search and find procedural knowledge when and where they need it. Moreover, PERKS aims for a holistic governance throughout the entire life cycle, because knowledge evolves and changes over time.



PERKS has different impacts on industry optimization. We provide a workforce with useful instruments to share and apply procedural knowledge. We support operational activities by reducing errors and costs through standardization. We improve technologies, symbolic and sub-symbolic AI, structure and unstructured data, with a direct involvement of people. And we increase the readiness at the technical, integration, market and human level to make sure that PERKS solutions can be adopted in today’s industrial environment.


PERKS impact is also ensured by addressing the needs of three different and complementary scenarios by facilitating knowledge transfer between expert and novice industry workers and across different industrial sectors and use cases.



The PERKS consortium is composed of nine partners from five European countries providing industrial use cases, technological solutions and exploitation methodologies to achieve concrete impacts on European companies.
